
Classes make a great gift for new parents! 

Need to register for Classes taught by a Doula? Use this link to add me to your registry!  

Bundle and save! Take all of my classes for $200 for group sessions, or $580 for private sessions.

Childbirth Education Class  

Group Classes $150 per couple

Private Classes $400 per couple

This class usually runs 2.5-3 hours per section and is presented in 4 sections

Sign up here

The most comprehensive childbirth education class available!

 I am a certified Childbirth Educator

I don't just teach you how to be a patient, I teach you how to actually have your baby! The class for ultimate childbirth preparedness!
You deserve a supported and empowered birth; and I'll prepare you for that!

No matter how you plan to have your baby, vaginal or cesarean, medicated or non-medicated, this is the class for you! 

In this four part class we will explore everything you'll need to know about having a healthy pregnancy, a supported labor and an empowered delivery!

Every class will build your knowledge and understanding of the birthing process. I will teach you breathing and relaxation techniques in each class. I won't just tell you and your partner what to do, I will teach you how to actually do it!

Session 1: Healthy Pregnancy

Session 2: Pregnancy, Labor, and   Delivery

Session 3: Comfort Measures and   Life With Baby

Session 4: Informed Decision Making   and Birth Planning

Breastfeeding Education Class  

Group Session $35 

Private Session $100 

This class usually runs 2.5-3 hours

A comprehensive look at chestfeeding!

I am a certified Breastfeeding Educator

This class will prepare you for the in's and out's of chestfeeding!

We will explore several topics like:

And everything in between! 

This is a very comprehensive class designed to prepare you for breastfeeding. It's made for people who are determined to chestfeed, as well as those who are just curious about if it would be right for them and their baby, and everyone in between! Everyone's vision for a successful feeding relationship is defined a little differently, and I'm ready to help you achieve your goals as new parents! It's your breastfeeding/chestfeeding decision, I'm here to support you in whatever you decide to do!

Newborn Skills Class   

Group Session $35 per couple

Private Session $100 per couple

This class usually runs 2.5-3 hours

Ready or not, your baby is on the way!

Never fear, this Doula knows what to do!

This class will teach you the skills you'll need to care for your newborn! 

We will explore topics like:

And so much more! 

I'll have a few parenting supplies to purchase if interested!

If you've never cared full-time for a newborn before, there's bound to be a lot of questions building up in the minds of new parents. Don't let your anxiety get in the way of enjoying the newborn experience! Knowledge is power, and I'm ready to empower you to becoming confident parents! 

I will talk a little about feeding, but for a more comprehensive lesson, I recommend you also enroll in the Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Education Class!

As a Doula, I strive to provide my clients and their partner with Physical, Emotional, and Informational support. 

My classes are designed to give you knowledge, tips, and hands-on practice at learning parenting skills before your baby comes!

It's important to me that the parents who take my classes feel prepared, confident, and up to the task of caring for their newborn. 

I'm here to answer any questions you have. 

Help is only an e-mail away! 

Message me any time at or contact me here.

The cost of classes covers the cost of instruction, the venue, and materials provided. Classes are non-refundable. If you miss your class, contact Doula Stephanie about arranging a make-up time.

Be aware that the Doula will be teaching clients while also maintaining Birth Doula clients. 

If a birthing client goes into labor, the Doula must prioritize the birth. 

If a birth interrupts a class, that session will be made up at the soonest possible convenient time.
