Postpartum Doula Services 

Pricing and Packages

Need to register for Postpartum Doula Services? Use this link to add me to your registry!  

Single Doula Visit 

Four hours of Postpartum Doula care $165 

1 Four-hour Doula visit

Payment is due at the beginning of each session upon arrival.

Long Term Care I
Four week Postpartum Doula package $1300

2 Four-hour Doula visits a week for four consecutive weeks 

8 Four-hour visits totaling 32 hours 

Long Term Care II

Twelve week Postpartum Doula Package $3800

2 Four-hour Doula visits a week for twelve consecutive weeks

24 Four-hour visits totaling 96 hours 

Do you have Medi-Cal? Medi-Cal members can have Postpartum Doula services covered in their benefits!
Message me to learn how to have this service covered!

Contact me here to arrange care now!

Please note: 

Postpartum Doula Services are booked in 4-hour chunks unless otherwise agreed upon

An additional fee of $20 per session is added for multiples 

An additional fee of $40 per session is added for weekend days 

Be aware that the Postpartum Doula will be seeing postpartum clients while also maintaining Birth Doula clients. 

If a birthing client goes into labor, the Doula must prioritize the birth. 

If a birth interrupts a postpartum session, that session will be made up at the soonest possible convenient time. 

Free consultation: video-call or in-person. 

If you are interested in hiring me as your Doula, 

I offer free virtual meetings to get to know each other 

and to make sure that I am the right Doula for you! 

Postpartum Doula Services

The transition to having a new baby in the home is different for every family. Postpartum Doulas support the physical and emotional wellbeing of their clients during the postpartum period! Since the needs of every family are different, I tailor my services to fit your specific needs and help ensure a smooth transition for the household. Postpartum Doulas aren’t just for the parent who birthed the baby, they are for everyone in the home who is adjusting to life with a brand new tiny human; including siblings, pets, grandparents, or any other extended family who is in the home regularly. I want parents to feel confident in their ability to care for their newborn, and I want siblings to know that they are still a special part of their growing family!

My postpartum sessions are offered in four hour chunks of time to parents in Turlock to allow time for answering questions, addressing needs, aiding in relaxation, and teaching skills as needed. Every session will look different because the needs change as time goes on! The Doula is coming to help ease your stress, and address your parenting anxieties, please don’t feel obligated to “dress up” or do a quick clean when she comes over! Just dress comfortably, reflect on what you’d like to discuss with her, and let your Doula handle the rest!

Below is an example of some of the services I provide to the new family:


I begin every session by checking in with the new parents, hearing how things are going and assess what help they may need. I answer questions they may have, take notes, plan solutions to cover, and strategize skills to teach during that session. It’s so important that a parent’s needs are heard! Based on your needs and concerns, we can formulate a plan for that session to make sure we get your priorities taken care of, then move on to less pressing items; this is why every session will be a little bit different! If there’s anything that comes up that I don’t know the answer to, I’ll find the answer and get it to you as soon as possible!

Help with physical recovery after birth

Whether your baby was born via a vaginal birth or a cesarean birth, there is a recovery period for the new parent. As a Doula, I have tips, strategies, and supplies to help heal your body. A big part of the recuperation process is adequate rest and protecting the areas that need to heal. Your physical health and relaxation is so important, your Doula will help to make sure that your needs are being met!

Help with emotional recovery after birth

Though a new baby is a very happy time, it can be a time of mixed emotions as well. Between hormonal shifts and sleepless nights, coping with this new-parent life can bring a flurry of unexpected feelings and emotions that can sometimes feel overwhelming. It’s ok not to feel ok, your Doula is here to help! Doulas support new parents and help them cope with having a new baby, and build necessary skills so parents can feel confident and able instead of anxious and overwhelmed.

Allows client to practice self-care

Sometimes a nice shower and a nap is just what a new parent needs to feel like themselves again! The Doula is happy to tend to your baby while you practice a little self-care, even if it’s just spending a little time alone to catch your breath! You can have some guilt-free time to care for yourself and feel confident knowing that your tiny human is in the capable, loving hands of a skilled Doula! Just like the masks on an airplane; sometimes we need to help ourselves before we can assist others!

Sibling care

A new baby can sometimes be a tumultuous time for siblings. Needing to split their parent’s time and attention with a demanding newborn can be hard on your other children. The Doula helps your other little ones (or sometimes, bigger ones) transition to the new family member and feel seen, cared for, and important! A Doula isn’t the same as a nanny, but she will help the child/children feel included and loved. This Doula has four children at home, has previously gone to school for Early Childhood Education, and has worked in childcare for several years. I'm no stranger to the needs of children! Whether it’s a child baking cookies with the Doula, or letting the Doula watch the baby while the parent’s get to spend alone time with their older child, together we can help them feel confident about their place in the family as a new older sibling!

Teaches infant skills as needed

Whether it’s bathing, diapering, swaddling, wearing the baby in a wrap (and learning how to even use a wrap), or soothing, your Doula knows what to do, and is ready to teach you! You can rest assured that your Doula can teach you to provide for your baby's needs, and you’ll gain confidence once you learn these new skills.

Breastfeeding support

Breastfeeding isn’t always as intuitive as some might think, especially if you haven’t done it before, or have had minimal exposure to other nursing parents. It is a skill that takes practice and patience. I’m a Certified Breastfeeding Educator and I can help! As a mom of four, I’ve personally experienced successes and failures in breastfeeding and I understand the struggles and hardships that arise. No matter how long you plan to breastfeed, the Doula is here to support you and help you along your journey!

Offers strategies for coping with life with a newborn

Everything from sleep arrangements to learning to go out with your new little one! Whatever you need to do on a daily basis can be harder with a newborn (or just kids in general), but the Doula can help! Whether you are just feeling generally anxious or overwhelmed, or if you are trying to figure out how to go grocery shopping with multiple kids, or need practice eating at a restaurant with a nursling for the first time, the Doula has been there before and can show you ways to manage day-to-day life as a parent!

Light housework (when time permits)

Though the Doula isn’t a housekeeper, she can do some light tasks around the house, as needed, to help the new parents not feel overwhelmed! Sometimes it’s hard to relax if the table is a mess, or if you know there’s a sink full of dishes waiting for you in the kitchen! What if you have visitors coming and your toddler has made a mess right in front of the door? Don’t worry, your Doula will help get things straightened up and tranquil again! Sometimes it’s these small things that build up and feel overwhelming, and that anxiety can weigh heavy on an already overwhelmed parent. Your Doula is happy to lend a hand!

Light meal preparation (when time permits)

Exhausted new parents need to nourish themselves! Let the Doula assist you by getting a meal going, or prepping for that night’s dinner! The Doula can bring you a snack to replenish your body, or whip up a treat with the help of the baby's older sibling. The Doula isn’t a professional chef, but if making dinner is stressing you out, she is happy to make sure there’s something tasty to eat! Please know that my doula training required me to get my Food Handler’s Certification for the state of California.

Referrals to local resources as needed

If there’s something that you need, the Doula has a list of local and online resources. As a Turlock Doula, I prefer to source my resources right here in our Turlock community whenever possible! I believe in supporting the businesses here and not needing to send someone out of town to get something that they can get right here! Things like local support groups, more lactation help if needed, pediatricians or specialists, or just places around town that are family friendly! Let me know what you are in need of, and I can help you find it!